Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rainy and Boring

I feel like I have done absolutely nothing today. I hate rain, it makes me want to sleep. I have to make myself a schedule to go by throughout the summer so that I just don't waste away each and every day, kind of like I did today. I'm thinking of including exercise time, Bible reading time, GRE studying time, swim time (once I get the pool up and ready), cleaning time, and then just goof off time. Again though, I'm just not motivated to do any of it. I've also realized that in this so called schedule that I need to be making that I need to include a list of like 10 words that I don't know well and make sure that I learn their definition and in ways that they can be used.

I just saw a bird fly off with a worm in its mouth. Sometimes I wish that I could fly, it could be fun. Okay, not very long this time, but I need to try and get a few things done. 'Til next time...

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